Which Herbs to Avoid During Pregnancy ?

7 min read

It’s best to consult your gynecologist before attempting any herbal supplement during pregnancy. While some herbs may be safe, others may not be. While there’s no clinical evidence for some herbs to be safe during pregnancy, it’s always best to talk to your doctor about any discomforts you’re experiencing. The more you know, the less likely you’ll end up jeopardizing your health and safety.


You should avoid lemongrass during pregnancy because it has been linked to gestational diabetes. Lemongrass has properties that reduce blood glucose, and pregnant women are more susceptible to this condition. High doses of lemongrass during pregnancy are also harmful to the unborn baby. If you notice a sudden drop in your glucose level, consult a gynecologist immediately. This sudden drop in glucose can lead to complications later on, such as a miscarriage.

There are no clear evidences that indicate that drinking lemongrass during pregnancy causes negative effects, but the NHS advises pregnant women to drink no more than four cups of herbal tea a day. The herb has anti-inflammatory properties and has been used in herbal medicine for centuries. It also can reduce nausea and discomfort during pregnancy. However, there are many alternatives to lemongrass that have similar benefits. So, which lemongrass supplement should you choose?

Lemongrass is an herb that is widely used for its aroma. It has antioxidant properties, which make it a good option for easing pain, including muscle and digestive problems. Its essential oil is beneficial for treating skin conditions, such as eczema, and it is also known to be effective against dandruff. Lemongrass is also useful in lowering blood pressure, cholesterol, and heart rate. However, you should check with your doctor before incorporating lemongrass into your diet if you are taking any medications for high cholesterol levels.

German chamomile

This plant may increase the effects of some medications affecting the liver. Some of these medications include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs, and warfarin. German chamomile may also cause an allergic reaction in some women who are sensitive to plants in the Asteraceae/Compositae family.

Several herbal extracts from the German chamomile plant are used as herbal teas. Drinking one or two cups a day may help prevent morning sickness and is safe for pregnant women. However, as a supplement, it is important to remember to consult your doctor if you are planning on using German chamomile during pregnancy.

While German chamomile is generally considered safe for pregnant women, the amount of consumption and the type of herb may influence the safety. While chamomile is generally safe, it is always better to consult a doctor before using it. Your doctor may recommend limiting its consumption, while others may advise you to avoid it completely.


You may be wondering whether or not to drink tulsi tea during pregnancy. It has a sweet, minty taste and is popular in home remedies. Ayurvedic medicine has cited tulsi as a good herb for a variety of purposes including treating diseases, increasing immunity and treating various symptoms related to pregnancy. Still, you should consult your doctor before drinking tulsi tea during pregnancy.

Studies have indicated that Tulsi can cause low blood sugar, dizziness and irritability, and may even trigger uterine contractions. Although these effects are not yet clear, many physicians warn against taking Tulsi during pregnancy unless you’re absolutely certain you won’t get pregnant. In addition, tulsi may increase bleeding and may harm the fetus. That’s why it’s important to check with your doctor before consuming any herbs or supplements during pregnancy.

Tulsi is rich in vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. Its high iron content helps boost the development of the baby. It also prevents anaemia. Furthermore, it has anti-inflammatory properties and helps prevent infections. If you’re wondering whether or not to drink tulsi tea during pregnancy, consider this information first.

Although tulsi is generally safe for use during pregnancy, you should consult your doctor before you try it. In addition to being safe, tulsi has several nutritional benefits. It is also rich in minerals, proteins, and fibre. It’s a modern pregnancy period superfood. However, you should consult with your doctor before you drink Tulsi tea.

Tulsi oil

But pregnant women should avoid consuming it because it contains eugenol, an oil that can have adverse effects if consumed in excess. These effects include burning in the mouth and throat, nausea, dizziness, and coma.

Aromatherapy treatments are safe for use during pregnancy but pregnant women should avoid using essential oils in their first trimester. This is because essential oils can metabolize into toxic compounds when absorbed through the bloodstream. Besides, pregnant women should avoid taking aromatherapy products while pregnant, so they should always use carrier oils. However, when it comes to Tulsi oil to avoid during pregnancy, they should follow the guidelines recommended by their doctor.

While there are no known side effects of tulsi, it’s a good idea to consult with a medical professional before taking any supplements or oils. A Tulsi tea is a great herbal supplement for a pregnancy because of its high content of antioxidants. This is important because the immune system needs to be strong and healthy. In addition to its anti-inflammatory properties, Tulsi contains no caffeine.

Peppermint tea

This tea is effective at treating digestive problems, such as irritable bowel syndrome. However, some health professionals do not endorse its safety during pregnancy. It is best to discuss peppermint tea consumption with your doctor or midwife, as some herbal teas may be harmful to the unborn baby.

Some studies show that peppermint tea can cause allergic reactions in pregnant women. Additionally, it may be harmful to the fetus if you have any medical condition, such as asthma. Peppermint tea may also cause tremors in the limbs, irregular heartbeats, and muscle pain. If you’re concerned about consuming peppermint tea during pregnancy, consider drinking another herbal tea.

Although peppermint tea is generally safe for consumption during pregnancy, pregnant women should avoid larger amounts. One to two cups a day should be enough. Larger amounts can have unwanted effects. If you want to drink more, inform your healthcare provider. If you’re not sure, ask a pharmacist or online herbal tea store. This way, they can help you avoid unwanted side effects. If you’re pregnant, you should also avoid peppermint tea while breastfeeding.

Although it doesn’t cause miscarriages, it can induce preterm labor. In addition to that, peppermint tea can cause excessive bleeding, which can lead to preterm labor. So, while peppermint tea is safe during pregnancy, it’s best not to risk your baby’s health for a few days.

Red raspberry leaf

In addition, it should only be consumed in small amounts and under the supervision of your healthcare provider. Although it may have positive benefits for some women, experts recommend that red raspberry leaf tea consumption be limited to the final four to five weeks of pregnancy. This tea contains several compounds that may benefit both your health and the health of your baby.

Although it has mixed results, some studies show that raspberry leaf may help with both labor and delivery. One study, for example, showed that pregnant women who took the supplement for four weeks during the second trimester of pregnancy experienced a shorter time during the pushing phase of labor.

Although there are few studies examining the safety of red raspberry leaf during pregnancy, herbalists and midwives recommend its consumption. In addition to being safe for women during their third trimester, it may also cause contractions and increase the risk of preterm labor. If you are concerned about preterm labor, however, you should consult your health care provider and ask for advice. If you begin experiencing strong Braxton-Hicks contractions, you should stop drinking the tea.

Larry https://tenhealthy.com

A tech-freak self-motivated professional that thrives on innovation and overcoming challenges. She is a trained writer and scholarship holder. Went through with writing for a lot of big media houses. Writing is her all-time favorite job.

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