Drinking Water, Green tea, health, Obesity, Weight Lose

7 min read

Obesity is one of the main thing we hate. It leads to various kinds of diseases later. So everyone needs to be Physically Fit. But sometimes don’t know what steps to be followed. Here we introduce 28 Effective Ways to Lose Weight in 4 Weeks. We made this Solution for Weight loss based on various Researches and Studies.

You must keep this Valuable Points in Mind and Follow in your Healthy Life. This 28 Effective Ways to Lose Weight are Filtered Based On Researches and  Points only the top list

So here we go….

Key Points

  1. Drink Water Before Meals
  2. Drink Green Tea
  3. Reduce Added Sugar
  4. Brush Your Teeth After Dinner
  5. Include Spicy Food in Your Diet
  6. Workout Aerobic Exercises
  7. Diet Control
  8. Workout At The Gym
  9. Eat More Fiber
  10. Love Vegetables
  11. Intake More Fruits
  12. Chew Your Food Slowly
  13. Control Your Food Addiction
  14. Eat More Protein
  15. Avoid Aerated Soft Drinks
  16. Avoid Fast Food
  17. Keep Walking
  18. Find time For a Sport
  19. Eat Less at Dinner
  20. Don’t Sleep After Your Meals
  21. Drink Coffee
  22. Eat an Egg at the Morning
  23. Cook With Coconut Oil Only
  24. Avoid Junk Food
  25. Get Good Sleep
  26. Don’t While Watching TV
  27. Healthy Diet
  28. Don’t take Eating as a Habit

1. Drink Water Before Meals

It is Believed that Drinking water Before Your Meals Will increase the metabolic Rate , and thus helps Weight lose

Yes based on Several Studies it is Claimed that Drinking Water before your meals, Increases the metabolic rate by 19-23%. In another Studies it also says that if you drink water before your meals , you eats 26-29% Lesser.

2. Drink Green Tea

Drinking Green Tea is one of the main effective ways to lose weight. Green tea accelerates metabolism , Controls Cholesterol, Burns Fat in our body. It is rich in antioxidants which makes it possible.

  • Accelerates Metabolism
  • Controls Cholestrol
  • Burns Fat

3. Reduce Added Sugar

Artificial Sugar is one of the Common Ingredient in Our Diets. The Experts Says that Sugar is  “White Poison”.Excess usage of it can cause obesity and Diabetes. Thus Reduce the Usage of added Sugar in Your Diet.

4. Brush Your Teeth After Dinner

There is no Valid Proof or Studies for this topic. But based on Surveys, many say’s that brushing your teeth after you Dinner is effective ways to lose weight. After Brushing You don’t feel to have another Snacks before you Go bed.

5. Include Spicy Food in Your Diet

Include Spicy Food in Your diet. Capsaicin a compound present in Some Spicy foods are helpful to boost metabolism.

6. Workout Aerobic Exercises

Find Some time in your daily plan to Workout Aerobic(cardiac) Exercises. Aerobic Exercises are very effective ways to lose weight. Especially it burns Belly Fat. Thus it boosts up your physical and mental health.

7. Diet Control

Control Your Diet. Make a plan. Avoid Unwanted eating in between your Work or Studies or When you Travel. Eat Less , But more Healthy Foods. You Knows Yourself , So make a Unique Nutrient Diet Plan for Yourself.

8. Workout at the Gym

If You have time to spend at a Gym, that’s Great! Daily Spending 2-3 Hours at the Gym gives best results. Based on a Study in US , the individuals that workouts Gym has only less diseases. Gym will definitely helps you to lose weight , and You know How to.

9. Eat More Fiber

Include More Fiber foods in your Diet Plan. Fiber foods increases metabolic rate to a certain level.

10. Love Vegetables

Y eh!  Be a Vegetarian. Eating Vegetables up-to an extent won’t makes you Obesity. Vegetables Contains more water content , which will help your metabolism.

11. Intake More Fruits

Fruits are rich in Nutrients as Well as Water Content. The Water Content in fruits increases metabolism by 30-35%. Fruits Needs Only less digestive Process due to huge Water Content. So You Can Eat More, But only lesser chances of obesity.

12. Chew Your Food Slowly

Chewing Your Food Slowly is one of the Important process. If you chewed your food well, it helps overall digestion. It makes the job of your digestive system simpler. Chewing Well will also help in High Metabolic Rate.

13. Control Your Food Addiction

Yes, this is very Important. It’s Completely in Your hands. You must control your Food addiction. Never get addicted to any kind of foods. Especially harmful list of Foods like beverages, Non- Vegetarians, Soft drinks,…..

14. Eat More Protein

Various Studies shows that Protein Consumption helps to gain higher metabolic activity. Protein boosts metabolism up-to 40-45% based on researches.

Protein Containing Foods especially Cereals will effectively help you to lose weight.

15. Avoid Aerated Soft Drinks

You must avoid aerated soft Drinks. Since they have a big role in leading you to obesity and bad health, Don’t skip this tip! Huge amount of Sugar in is very dangerous. In addiction to this the aeration, added preservatives, flavors also makes Your health bad.

16. Avoid Fast Food

It is Common that we all depend on fast food in Our busy life. But it has major Cause in making you diseased. So try to avoid fast food as much as possible.

17. Keep Walking

We often Use vehicles to move from one place to another, even if it is a short distance. Try to walk as long as possible also at the right time. I suggest Walking more at the morning or may be at the evening.

18. Find time For a Sport

It’s a Good idea to find time for a sport. While on your Sport , you don’t feel laziness. You can both enjoy the Sport as well as lose your weight. You can Choose the Sport based on your interest.

May be Playing Football,Cricket, Basketball, Badminton, Tennis,…. as you Wish!

19. Eat Less at Dinner

Eating Less at Dinner has a remarkable role in reducing your weight. If You already had good amount of food in your breakfast and lunch, then eat less at dinner. Your Dinner is not an essential if so.

20. Don’t Sleep After Your Meals

That’s Sure! Sleeping Soon after your meals has very negative result in Weight lose. Your metabolism won’t take place effectively. This makes you obesity.

21. Drink Coffee

Several Studies Shows that Drinking Coffee will increase metabolism. Caffeine contained in Coffee enhances metabolism by 24-28%.

Drinking Coffee more than 2-4 Cups daily is also not recommended.

22. Eat an Egg at the Morning

It’s note a Joke! Eating an Egg at the morning has good impact in controlling your weight.

Studies Shows that Eating an egg will helps you to consume lesser calories for next 24-36 Hours, Which will reduce your Weight.

23. Cook With Coconut Oil Only

While Cooking , you must use only Coconut oil. Coconut is very Healthy. So replace your other cooking oils with this. Don’t use same Coconut oil which you have already used for long time. It has various harmful effects including cancer.

24. Avoid Junk Food

One of the most important effective ways to lose weight. Avoid Junk foods as much as possible to control obesity. Eat food only based on a Balanced Diet. Eat food what you cook or what cooked at your home.

25. Get Good Sleep

Even after Workouts, Sport, Exercises, Balanced Diet… Getting a Good Sleep is very important. Based On researches it is very clear that “Good Sleep is a Must” for Good Metabolism.

26. Don’t Eat While Watching TV

Yes, indeed! Don’t eat while watching Tv, movies, games,…. Because it can cause obesity since you concentrates on watching the entertainment, You will eat more.

So take a break , Have Your  Food and come back.

27. Healthy Diet

While Making a Balanced Diet plan, it is very essential to take care about healthy food. Healthy Diet is one of the Effective ways to lose weight naturally.

It’s Not a matter of Quantity , but a matter of Quality.

So include Vegetables, Fruits, Spices, Cereals, Juices, in your diet and avoid Junk food, Soft drinks,……

28. Don’t take Eating as a Habit

Yes, this is the last tip! Don’t make Eating a “Habit”. Eating food is for Your body’s development, not for your enjoyment. So control your eating and it will help you to lose Weight.

“Stay Strong, Live Healthy”

Larry https://tenhealthy.com

A tech-freak self-motivated professional that thrives on innovation and overcoming challenges. She is a trained writer and scholarship holder. Went through with writing for a lot of big media houses. Writing is her all-time favorite job.

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